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Résumé de la discussion (messages les plus récents en premier)

07-11-2011 21:51


To translate gcweb  to galcian from English I think the easiest is to copy :

/locales/eng dans /locales/gag
/templates/default/locales/eng dans /templates/default/locales/gag
from gcweb 1.2rc1

Then open *. po files with an editor like poedit and replace english strings with Galician strings.

If some strings is not yet translated in english contact me.

And thank you in advance for this future translation

PS: I write you an email so you can send me the *. po once translated.
PS2: To test the translation if you are under GNU / Linux runs / locale/potfiles/po2phparray.sh and / templates/default/locales/po2phparray.sh and the configuration page select "gag". Il you use en other OS send me your *.po files and y genrated for your test the *.php files
PS3 : I'm created FS#118 in bug tracker to folow this tash

07-11-2011 12:39

I'm interested on translate gcweb to galician.

I don't speak french so I'll try to translate from english to galician.

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